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Tableware Shapes
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Tableware Shapes
We offer wide ranges of shapes and sizes for our tableware.
Customer can select the shapes and sizes and apply any color or techniques from our tableware collections.
The minimum order for customized work is 50 pieces per item.
NO. Product / Page
Tableware Shape
Morning Glory Shape
Tableware Shape
Lotus Shape
Tableware Shape
Pond Shape
Tableware Shape
Star shape
Tableware Shape
Pebble Collection
Tableware Shape
Steak Plate
Tableware Shape
Tableware Set
Tableware Shape
Tableware Set
Tableware Shape
Tray 1
Tableware Shape
Tray 2
Tableware Shape
Wheel Shape 1
Tableware Shape
Wheel Shape 2
Tableware Shape
Donut Shape
Tableware Shape
Ice cream Cup Shape
Tableware Shape
Rectangular Shape 1
Tableware Shape
Lotus shape
Tableware Shape
Ice cream Cup Shape
Tableware Shape
Sphere Shape
Tableware Shape
Pot with Lid
Tableware Shape
Pot with Lid Shape
Tableware Shape
Pot with Lid Shape
Tableware Shape
Singnature Shape
Tableware Shape
Contemporary Shape
Tableware Shape
Contemporary shape 1
Tableware Shape
Contemporary Shape 2
Tableware Shape
Contemporary Shape 3
Tableware Shape
Rim Shape 1
Tableware Shape
Hat Shape
Tableware Shape
Flower Shape
Tableware Shape
Seashell Shape
Tableware Shape
Classic Shape
Tableware Shape
Rim Shape 2
Tableware Shape
Irregular shape
Tableware Shape
Pete Shape
Tableware Shape
Geometric Shape
Tableware Shape
Contemporary Oval
Tableware Shape
Freeform Oval
Tableware Shape
Flower Shape
Tableware Shape
Pocket Shape
Tableware Shape
Fold Shape
Tableware Shape
Cabbage Shape
Tableware Shape
Egg Shape
Tableware Shape
Tropical Leaf Shape
Tableware Shape
Teak Leaf Shape
Tableware Shape
Rectangular Shape 1
Tableware Shape
Rectangular Shape 2
Tableware Shape
Fish Shape
Tableware Shape
Lotus Shape 2
Tableware Shape
Coil Shape
Rectangular shape
NO. Product / Page
Prempracha’s Collection
224 M.3, Chiang mai-Sankampang Rd., T.Tonpao, A.Sankampang Chiang mai, 50130 Thailand
Tel.: 66 5333 8540, 66 5333 8857, Email:
Operating Hour: 8:30 - 17:30, Monday - Saturday